Latest Past Events
Bitcoin – A brief history of money from barter to bitcoin
Bitcoin: Investing Versus Speculation Bitcoin has become increasingly popular. But what is it? This seminar explores both the history and the future of money and how bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies work. Join us on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 1:30 PM EST for a virtual presentation. Learning Objectives
Visualizing Retirement – Prepare for the emotional side of retirement
Visualizing Retirement - Prepare for the emotional side of retirement Do you have a clear picture of what you’ll be using your retirement savings for? While 74% of 50- to 59-year-olds say that they have made a serious effort to prepare financially for retirement, only 35% of that same group say they have made a […]
8000 Days of Retirement
8000 Days of Retirement Retirement is often talked about as an end. You might be focused on how to prepare for it, which is critically important. But if you’re looking at retirement as the final goal, then you might not be preparing in the best way. Here are several ways to help you rethink this […]